All you need to know about therapeutic uses of cannabis

Cannabis is the only rich source of essential cannabinoids identical to those produced by the human endocannabinoid system. Despite delta-9-THC being a well-researched psychoactive cannabinoid, various plant-based cannabinoids show medical promise.

The therapeutic uses of cannabis are too tremendous to ignore, and cannabinoids in cannabis are being used to cure or have the potential to treat various disorders, including anorexia, emesis, pain, and inflammation, to mention a few.

Marijuana that doesn’t get you high

Because this constituent of marijuana has minimal, if any, intoxicating characteristics, the hemp plant’s extract is the least controversial; marijuana contains about 100 active ingredients. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the molecule responsible for the “high” associated with marijuana usage. Cases report minimum to no change in cognition because CBD-dominant cultivars contain little THC.

Patients report various therapeutic uses of cannabis in CBD numerous benefits, including insomnia alleviation, anxiety reduction, stiffness relief, pain control, and the management of potentially fatal illnesses like epilepsy.

Medical marijuana applications

In medicinal marijuana states, the most prevalent use is pain relief. Although marijuana isn’t strong enough to cure severe pain (such that caused by surgery), it can help with chronic pain.

Users of cannabis swear by its capability to lessen temblors in Parkinson’s cases, making it an effective muscle relaxant. it’s also effective for endometriosis, fibromyalgia, interstitial, and various disorders in which persistent pain is the primary symptom.

Other therapeutic uses of cannabis are to treat glaucoma and nausea, and weight management. Its application in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in returning soldiers from combat zones is a particularly interesting field of research. Numerous troops and their counselors say they’ve noticed significant changes, and they’re demanding for greater research and an easing of government limits on studying it.

Consultation with your physician

Many people are in the position of desire to know more about the therapeutic uses of cannabis but are uncertain about discussing it with their clinician. This is partially attributable to the medical community’s contemptuous attitude toward the issue. Physicians are now seeking to remain ahead of their clients’ knowledge of the problem by playing catch-up.

Conclusion and prospects

Over the last few years, significant developments in cannabis research have resulted in discovering various therapeutic uses of marijuana. As previously said, these benefits have clinical implications, and future studies will focus on them.

The Difference Between of Indica vs Sativa Strains


A strain is a group of plants separated from others of the same variety by a unique intrinsic quality. Indica and  Sativa are the major strains found in Cannabis. The Sativa strain grows mainly in hot dry climate, e.g. Africa, Central America, and South East Asia, while Indica can be found in various parts of Asia. Although distinct, the effects that these strains have on the body are not exact. 

Physical Differences 

The classification of marijuana strains was done by Jean Baptiste Lamarck ,a French naturalist in the 1700s.He found out that the Indica strain(Latin name for India, it’s origin) was shorter and had wider leaves of a dark green color. The, however, was taller ( some grow to even 12 feet)  and had leaves that were narrow .Apart from these, indica grows faster than sativa. Carl Linnaeus,a Swedish botanist, was the the first to term these psychoactive plants scientifically are Cannabis Sativa in 1753.

Effects of use

Research on the effects of these two strains is not extensive. However, surveys have been done and data collected from users and retailers in cannabis legal areas .A difference in the concentration of the two main cannabinoids: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) in Cannabis bring about the difference in effects. Most people conclude that the Indica cannabis strain is relaxing and therapeutic. This is due to a higher concentration of CBD as compared to THC. Sativa causes a stimulating effect due to a higher THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) to CBD (Cannabidiol) ratio than Indica.


The two Cannabis strains have different uses in the present age. Sativa is used to boost productivity and creativity due to its stimulating effect and “buzz” feeling while Indica is used to reduce anxiety and help with pain and insomnia. Due to its relaxing nature, Indica is recreationally used mostly in the nighttime as people wind down after a busy day while Indica is used in the busy daytime.It however, suffices to say that these effects are subjective.

 Marijuana use is a contentious issue around the world. Although there has been an increase in the countries legalizing Cannabis use and production, many countries have also banned its production and consumption. Research remains to be done to know more about the Cannabis plant. Knowledge about the difference between indica and sativa cannabis strains would go a long way in the unraveling its effects. Who knows, it might even have other uses.