Edibles are food products that are cannabis based

Edibles are food products that are cannabis based. They are or different forms including beverages, chocolates, candies, gummies and baked goods. There are ready made edibles which are purchased and home made edibles.  The use of edibles is one of the common methods used to release cannabis for both medicinal and enjoyment purposes. Cannabis has tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),a chemical that can cause feelings of relaxation and excitement. It has also cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical which has anti-anxiety effects and also works as a pain killer. 

People who ingest edibles obtain advantages such as relaxation and treatment of medical conditions such as cancer pains, arthritis and fibromyalgia. They can also treat health issues such as weight loss and loss of appetite more especially to cancer patients. They are a secret and tasty way of consuming cannabis. This article focuses on how to take cannabis safely. 

Firstly, ensure that you take the right dose. The concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol changes in a wide manner in cannabis products that are ready made. On the other hand, it is not easy for people to know it’s concentration in home made edibles. This makes it difficult for one to know how much he or she is consuming. The effects of taking edibles takes 1 to 3 hours. Individuals are therefore advised to be patient and wait to feel the effects so that they will not consume large amounts of drug to avoid severe effects of overdose. 

Secondly, take edibles in a place where you are comfortable. Ensure you are in a comfortable place anytime you are taking edibles. It is also important to be familiar with the people in that place so that Incase you need help you will be free to ask for it.  

Look for something you can enjoy while taking edibles. For instance you can listen to music or play games. This can keep you occupied and calm. 

Thirdly, drink a lot of water. Cannabis users experience a situation known as “dry mouth”. Drinking water can ensure that you are hydrated and also relieve the perception of  “ dry mouth” which is a side effect of taking cannabis. 

Besides that ,do not take edibles on an empty stomach. Taking edibles can lead to upset stomachs because they are processed faster when taken on an empty stomach. If possible take edibles after meals of high fat foods. Incase you take edibles on an empty stomach take a lower dose for your own safety. Avoid taking alcohol with edibles. This is because alcohol increases the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol in blood. Alcohol also leads to dehydration. 

On top of that, when you are a newbie in taking edibles start small and be patient.  Take small doses because it can take you time to feel the effects. It is advisable for first timers to try cannabis infused drinks. Take small sips or measure 5 Mg. Instead of taking entire cookies try smaller items like mint. 

In conclusion edibles have both positive and negative effects to human beings. It is therefore important for people to follow guidelines on how to take edibles safely so that they can avoid negative side effects.