The Need To Educate People On The Dangers Of Cannabis And Driving


The road carnage has been increasing with an alarming rate all over the world. The deaths caused by these carnages have raised debate on the dangers of highthc cannabis and driving. Majority of people who have been involved in accidents as a result of drug driving tested positive to THC. This chemical is majorly found in cannabis, and it has been shown through studies that it affects body and mind. There has been a rise in the population taking cannabis in the US and around the world. With increased accidents on the road, there is an urgent need to educate people on the dangers of cannabis and driving. The reasons why this should be done are explained below.

Ignorance of the dangers of drug driving

Statistics around the world have shown that approximately 30 percent of the people have taken the drug at some point in their life. What is more worrying is that 10 percent have used drugs in recent years. While in some parts of the countries, the use of cannabis is illegal, people still smoke marijuana as they see it as a tradition. The part which cannabis has been legalized has had an increase in the population of the users. Those who are using drugs are ignorant of the dangers of cannabis and driving online dispensary canada There is a need to educate people on drug driving as it has remained a taboo subject among the users. For those countries where cannabis is illegal, those drivers who use it are not concerned about the risk they pose to other road users. Where it is legal, the government is finding it hard to prosecute drugged drivers as they can argue their case.

Lack of open discussion on the dangers of cannabis and driving

People are increasingly becoming aware of the influence of cannabis on body and mind. While this is the case, the majority of them do not advise road users on the danger of cannabis and driving. Drugged drivers know that there are low chances for them to get tested on the roads. Thus there is a need to educate people on the dangers of cannabis and driving to allow open discussions on the subject. More discussion may inculcate self-responsibility of the drugged driver. Drivers, therefore, will not be waiting for the police to arrest them for stopping drugged driving. Police should also be educated on the dangers of cannabis and driving so that they would be carrying out roadside testing where the law permits.


Some scientists have shown that drug driving doubles the chance of getting dangerous road carnage. People who party at night and use cannabis have been found to drive themselves home. This shows that many people are risking their lives and those of others by driving under the influence of cannabis. This may be due to the reasons explained above. Therefore there is an urgent need to educate people on the dangers of cannabis and driving to minimize the cases of fatal accidents.